Month October 2020
How to Remove Baseboard in the Installation Process
So you are about to install your new hardwood flooring as your next DIY project and are wondering if you should remove your baseboard first? If you are attacking this project on your own, you want to be sure to…
Top 4 Reasons to Settle the Carpet vs. Hardwood Flooring Debate
Carpet vs Hardwood Are you torn between carpet vs hardwood floors for your home? You are not alone! While carpet has been a favorite for many decades and is lower in cost to install, there are many pitfalls that homeowners…
The Truth About Sandless Floor Refinishing
The Truth About Sandless Floor Refinishing When it comes to getting your floors refinished, there are many flooring companies from which you can choose. Each company has their own floor refinishing process, and some even offer options that pride themselves…
How to Clean Hardwood Floors in 10 Easy Ways
How to Clean Hardwood Floors in 10 Easy Ways Everyone knows that when you make a house a home, there are bound to be messes. If you have kids, pets, or even just a roommate, then you know how quickly…
3 Ways to Prep Your Hardwood Floors for Dogs
3 Ways to Prep Your Hardwood Floors for Dogs Hardwood floors are a beautiful feature in any home. When you have pets, however, keeping your hardwood floors looking their best can be a challenge. To a new homeowner, dogs and…