Category Flooring Care and Maintenance

Hardwood Care and Maintenance – Helpful Tips
Our hardwood floor maintenance experts at Patrick Daigle Hardwood Flooring help educate our customers on the proper hardwood care and maintenance of their flooring.

How to Protect Wood Floors from Damage
Protecting your wood floors from damage can be a challenge! Here is what you need to do to protect your wood floors for years to come!

How to Clean Hardwood Floors in 10 Easy Ways
How to Clean Hardwood Floors in 10 Easy Ways Everyone knows that when you make a house a home, there are bound to be messes. If you have kids, pets, or even just a roommate, then you know how quickly…

3 Ways to Prep Your Hardwood Floors for Dogs
3 Ways to Prep Your Hardwood Floors for Dogs Hardwood floors are a beautiful feature in any home. When you have pets, however, keeping your hardwood floors looking their best can be a challenge. To a new homeowner, dogs and…

Wood Flooring and Relative Humidity – What you need to know
Wood Flooring and Relative Humidity – What you need to know! During hot humid weather wood flooring will, Expand or Swell during summer months and Contract or Shrink during dry winter season allowing cracks to appear in the wood…

How to Determine if your Wood Floor Needs to be Replaced
How to Determine If Your Wood Floor Needs To Be Replaced Homeowners that have hardwood floors in their home are often aware of the care and maintenance they require in order to keep them looking sharp. If not, be sure…